Free Google Adsense eligibility checker

My blog posts vital stats read – 15 posts , 53 day old , a more than 70% average SEO score as per Rankmath Pro Tool – Well those are my high level indicators of my website as on 23rd September 2023 !! – With no Google AdSense enabled as on date .

The question that has been haunting me is – whether my site is Google AdSense ready ? Should I be applying for Google AdSense now , would the Google crawlers like my site when they visit – Would my blog site be approved ? Would my site be rejected – I do not like rejections..i mean who does – I rather make my site approval ready than get a disapproval stamp!! I wondered if I could pre test my blog site .

High level requirements for Google AdSense approval

  • A website that is at least 6 months old – but I am guessing this data is a variable
  • A website with unique and original content – I am sure there would be more deciding criterias.
  • A website with more than decent content – This is a subjective matter ..a lot of shades of grays ..
  • and that your posts appear on search engines and receive organic traffic – atleast 50 unique visitors perhaps , or may be these numbers is a variable too . But then i reckon what is a site’s worth – which doesnt have even 50 visitors a day !!

No one knows for sure how the moody Google spiders think , evaluate , like and approve !!

But before I applied, I wanted a third party tool to check if my site was ready – I didn’t want a rejection on my first application from Google !!

I searched for a tool and I found a clean and fast tool – free at that !!

toolsoverflow – Free Google Adsense eligibility checker

Feed your URL and voila you have a consolidated report in few nifty seconds and tops it up with displaying chances of approval in percentage.

In my case my site had an 89 % chance of approval as per toolsoverflow . Will I apply for the adsense approval now ? No not until I have atleast 30 posts and some 50 unique organic visitors on my site and an above 95 % chances of approval .

I wish though the tool had also pointed out on how to improve my score – I am sure there is a lot to improve in every front . But till I get a tool which shows me my Achilles heel – this is a good motivator !!

I do not like failures , especially when i know , that I have not put my best foot forward . I am sure I have a lot to improve .

“Do your best, and even if you fail, you’ll know you gave it your all.”

– None

So Google Adsense – I reckon that you will have to wait , before I let you on my blog site !!

Target Date – 23rd October with atleast 50 will written content posts .

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